An all-in-one device with DO-160G Certification.
The G6 provides an IP data platform for any aviation asset and guarantees connectivity anywhere in the world.

- 88/88 kbps Satellite Terminal
- All in one
- Truly Global
- DO-160G and MilSpec components
- Encryption
- Integrated Iridium and GPS antenna l
- Uninterrupted power
- Multiple interfaces - Wi-Fi, RS232 & Analogue/digital I/O's, ARINC429 for FDM
- Background IP
- 37 PIN MIL-SPEC connector
- Voice, VOIP & PTT
- Real-time image, health monitoring, telemetry and exceedances
- Automated Flight Following
- Enhanced aerial firefighting
- Certified altitude 35,000ft
The G6 terminal utilizes a bi-directional mid-band 88kbps CST Modem for use with the Iridium Certus® Satellite network. It uses IP data protocol and has multiple interfaces, such as Wi-Fi to ensure simple application integration. The DO-160G and MilSpec design have made it the ideal solution for military applications that require critical data communication redundancy.